The SKinny

Hello, friend!

So here is the skinny about yours truly, April Harrington. the long story short…I was born, I danced, I got older, I tried yoga, a pandemic happened, I had free time, I received my 200 hour teacher training and here we are, 2025, 500 hours later. (Okay, clearly a lot of other things happened within that timeline, but you will have to meet me to get to know more!)

So, what’s with “Shanti”? Thanks for asking….shanti is the Sanskrit word for "peace" or "inner peace". I believe yoga is the building block for not only peace within oneself but that it can also radiate peace outward from oneself. Yoga helps builds confidence in your physical body, helps give you the strength to exist within your mental body and helps give you the ability to live life peacefully and greatly.

I like to encourage a welcoming, judgement-free space, where you can go past your comfort zone and be your true authentic self. We will also listen to some sweet jams while we practice, so come join me and let’s share the peace!